Hi folks! My wife and daughter are at the beach for a few days this week and my son and I are left working and fending for ourselves. No problem, they needed the break and so did we.
So I am just sitting here waiting on my goodnight call; wondering what is going to happen to the University of Alabama due to the book violation, how NASCAR will survive without CAR in their name (maybe they will change it to NAS HORSE), and anticipating the day that GM stands for Government Motors. Other than that, there is not much going on in my little corner of the world.
I haven't painted a picture in awhile, which is disappointing because I had a lot of momentum in selling them on ebay. I sold 12 paintings last year on ebay, which is not bad for a hobby and for someone who really is not artistic. I also work about 55 hours a week, so it is a miracle that I actually averaged one a month. I do have a canvas on my easel that has the beginnings of a sky on it, but that is as far as I got. If I could just get motivated, I think this one will be pretty cool if I can only create it the way I see it in my head. I got the idea for the painting while at our church revival several months ago, which I must admit is not the place where I usually get ideas. They usual come from watching people, daydreaming, and spending time outdoors. I am painting the sermon and that is all that I will say about it for now. I like to add a little twist to my paintings and things I write, and if this goes as planned and visualized, one will have to look at it for a few minutes to realize the complete story that is in this painting. How funny it would be if a person liked the painting on first glance on ebay, got in a bidding war with someone - driving the price up, won the painting, hung it on the wall, and then one day had a visitor say, "Cool religious painting." Especially if they were not a believer.
I am going to try to get this site cranked up a little and make it interesting, so please bookmark it and come back later. In a few months, we will be talking football and I would really appreciate your participation. I love football. Anybody who knows anything at all about me knows that I love football. College football. I love college football. Did I say that already?