It must really suck to have to travel to a meeting on a beautiful, mild Saturday to draw straws on who will be the one to piss off the American people MORE than they have been over the last 8 years.
Donald Trump is doing what is "best" for our country in trying to keeping us safe, create jobs, and increase pay for others. In less than a few weeks in office, he gave our troops an income and housing living income increase. I spoke to a young Marine who is a member of our church a few weeks ago. He was so excited to see that happen as quickly as it did. In fact, I was unaware it had happened until Jon told me. That is how fast and how hard billionaire Donald Trump is working for us. I saw a real-life example of how a young Marine that I know personally appreciated the extra $100. Why didn't Obama do this?
I can already imagine the cartoon in tomorrow's newspaper... a big hand, holding some straws with Democrat Party names. Short straw wins. Congratulations. By the time you get into office, Donald Trump will have already done all the hard work with immigration, jobs, the border patrol, and taking a bunch of punches on the chin for his stance on immigration. Through all of this, he did it for us. This man didn't need this job. How many billionaires do you know that care so deeply for our country?
So when the one who draws the shortest straw takes the chair, do not screw up the path that Donald Trump has already carved for you. Use it and continue to help our country.
I have a sign in my office that states:
"Risk. To avoid it is to go nowhere. To embrace it is to carve a new path."
Donald Trump is carving a new path. Follow it. Don't cover it up and revert back to the last 8 years of stagnancy.
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